Keith Briggs

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Basil Hugh Briggs (1923-1994) - papers

[1] BRIGGS, B. H., On radar interferometric techniques in the situation of volume scatter Radio Sci., 30 109 (1995)
[2] BRIGGS, B. H., The spaced-receiver technique J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 56 831 (1994)
[3] BRIGGS, B. H., Observations of atmospheric dynamics using radar techniques Aust. J. Phys., 46 127 (1993)
[4] BRIGGS, B. H., VINCENT, R. A., Spaced-antenna analysis in the frequency-domain Radio Sci., 27 117 (1992)
[5] BRIGGS, B. H., Radar measurements of aspect sensitivity of atmospheric scatterers using spaced-antenna correlation techniques J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 54 153 (1992)
[6] PHILLIPS., A, BRIGGS, B. H., The day-to-day variability of upper-atmosphere tidal winds and dynamo currents J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 53 39 (1991)
[7] VINCENT, R. A., MAY, P. T., HOCKING, W. K., ELFORD., W. G., CANDY, B. H., BRIGGS, B. H., First results with the Adelaide VHF radar - spaced antenna studies of tropospheric winds J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 49 353 (1987)
[8] BRIGGS, B. H., The variability of ionospheric dynamo currents J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 46 419 (1984)
[9] BRIGGS, B. H., Radar observations of atmospheric winds and turbulence - a comparison of techniques J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 42 823 (1980)
[10] BRIGGS, B. H., MAUDE, A. D., Spaced sensor observations of pattern motion J. Geophys. Res-Space Phys., 83 5309 (1978)
[11] CHANDRA, H, BRIGGS, B. H., Effect of filtering on ionospheric drift parameters determined by full correlation analysis J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 40 541 (1978)
[12] BRIGGS, B. H., Ionospheric drifts J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 39 1023 (1977)
[13] BRIGGS, B. H., Physical significance of correlation ellipse in ionospheric drift analysis Radio Sci., 11 817 (1976)
[14] BRIGGS, B. H., Ionospheric irregularities and radio scintillations Contemp. Phys., 16 469 (1975)
[15] BRIGGS, B. H., VINCENT, R. A., Some theoretical considerations on remote probing of weakly scattering irregularities Aust. J. Phys., 26 805 (1973)
[16] BRIGGS, B. H., HOLMES., N, Ionospheric observations using an ultrasonic image forming technique Nature, 223 111 (1969)
[17] BRIGGS, B. H., On analysis of moving patterns in geophysics 1: correlation analysis J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 30 1777 (1968)
[18] BRIGGS, B. H., On analysis of moving patterns in geophysics 2: dispersion analysis J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 30 1789 (1968)
[19] BRIGGS, B. H., GOLLEY., M. G., A test for dispersion in f-region drifts observed by radio star scintillation method J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 30 963 (1968)
[20] BRIGGS, B. H., Brief review of scintillation studies Radio Sci., 1 1163 (1966)
[21] BRIGGS, B. H., Relation of spread-f echoes to magnetic disturbances J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 27 991 (1965)
[22] BRIGGS, B. H., PARKIN., I. A., Comments on paper by J. D. Lawrence & J. D. Martin diurnal seasonal latitudinal + height variations of satellite scintillation J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 26 4186 (1964)
[23] BRIGGS, B. H., Radio star and satellite scintillations Nature, 200 220 (1963)
[24] BRIGGS, B. H., Discussion of Moorcroft D. R. and Forsyth P. A.: J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 25 3738 (1963)
[25] BRIGGS, B. H., RISHBET. H., H, An analogue solution of continuity equation of ionospheric f region Nature, 187 409 (1960)
[26] BRIGGS, B. H., The diurnal and seasonal variations of spread-f ionospheric echoes and the scintillations of a radio star J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 12 89 (1958)
[27] BRIGGS, B. H., A study of the ionospheric irregularities which cause spread-f echoes and scintillations of radio stars J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 12 34 (1958)
[28] BRIGGS, B. H., Observations of short bursts of signal from a distant 50 mc/s transmitter J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 8 171 (1956)
[29] BRIGGS, B. H., The determination of the collision frequency of electrons in the ionosphere from observations of the reflection coefficient of the abnormal e-layer J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 1 345 (1951)
[30] BRIGGS, B. H., SPENCER, M., Horizontal movements in the ionosphere Rep. Prog. Phys., 17 245 (1954)
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