Keith Briggs

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The Ipswich ancestors of Geoffrey Chaucer

This article of mine is in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, 45, part 4 (2024), 691–701. The abstract follows:

The generally accepted genealogy of Geoffrey Chaucer is that created by Redstone in 1905, using documents in the Ipswich town archives. A re- examination of the same sources shows that Redstone made several unwarranted assumptions, making several of his claims dubious. Moreover, evidence concerning the crucial initial generation was misused. Here a new genealogy is established, containing only rigorously proven links.


These are corrected in the pdf offprint which I can send to any requester.

  • page 695: replace “in with” by “with”.
  • page 700: a formatting eror has caused the bibliography entry for Clegg to be joined to the previous line.
  • bibtex citation

    title=  {The Ipswich ancestors of Geoffrey Chaucer},
    author= {Keith Briggs},
    journal={Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History},
    volume= {45},
    number= {4},
    year=   {2024},
    pages=  {691--701},
    This website uses no cookies. This page was last modified 2025-01-01 15:03 by Keith Briggs private email address.