Keith Briggs

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The Domesday Book castle LVVRE

This article of mine appeared in the Journal of the English Place-Name Society, volume 40, 113-118 (2008). In it I discuss the castle-name LVVRE appearing just once in Domesday Book.

A pdf offprint is available here.

bibtex citation

  author={Keith Briggs},
  title={The Domesday Book castle \textit{LVVRE}},

Addendum 2010-10-12

Another French place-name in DB is Kirmond (le Mire) in Lincolnshire, Cheuremont DB (TF188926). See K. Cameron, A dictionary of Lincolnshire place-names, p.75. The name means ‘goat-hill’.

Addendum 2011-09-21: a bit more on the Leouar of Sauval

Below is an image of page 9 of Sauval's Histoire et recherches des antiquités de la ville de Paris, vol.2 (1724) referred to on page 116 of my paper. I emphasize that the Leouar there is almost certainly the result of a misunderstanding by Sauval, and not relevant to the name Louvre at all. But the question remains of where Sauval got this word from. Here are a couple of candidates:

  • Frisiorum hodie urbes sunt, Leouardia Lewerden for Leeuwarden. In Petris Bertius, Commentariorum Rerum Germanicarum libri tres, Amsterdam 1616, book 1, page 172 (image here).
  • The castle of Lewes in Sussex has appeared as Lewiarum c.1089, Leuiarum 1147-69, and Leuiar' 1147-69. (Rune Forsberg, The place-name Lewes, Uppsala 1997, page 23.)


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