Ex libris Keith Briggs
A few books which I own which have interesting bookplates or signatures.
W. O. Ault Court rolls of the Abbey of Ramsey and of the Honor of Clare (Yale UP 1928). Signed “H. M. Cam, Girton College Cambridge 21.xii.28”. (Helen Cam, historian.)
E. H. Lind Norsk-Isländska dopnamn (Uppsala 1905–15). Bookplates of Dorothy Whitelock and Raymond Page.
P. Clemoes (ed.) The Anglo-Saxons: studies in some aspects of their history and culture presented to Bruce Dickins (London 1959). Dorothy Whitelock's copy.
E. Ekwall Studies on the population of medieval London (Stockholm 1956). Signed “med bästa hälsningar från E. E.”.
W. H. Turner and H. O. Coxe (eds.),
Calendar of charters and rolls preserved in the Bodleian library
(Clarendon Press 1878).
Bookplates of George W. Marshall, LL.D, F.S.A. [1839–1905, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant from 1887–1904, York Herald 1904–1905, deputy lieutenant of Herefordshire 1902]; and of Exeter City Library.
Olof S. Anderson (Arngart),
The English hundred-names
(C. W. K. Gleerup, Lund 1934–9).
Signed “K. I. Sandred” [Karl Inge Sandred 1925–2008, place-name scholar. Obituary JEPNS 41, 139].
F. Liebermann,
Ungedruckte anglo-normannische geschichtsquellen
(K. J. Trübner, Strassburg 1879).
Signed “R. Pauli”, the dedicatee of the book [Reinhold_Pauli, 1823–1882].
R. W. Eyton,
Court, household, and itinerary of King Henry II
(James Foster, Dorchester 1878).
Bookplate of Sir [Moses] Philip Manfield [Northampton shoe magnate and MP, 1819–1899]; and signature “E. H. Bates 6 June 1900” (editor of Muchelney and Athelney cartularies; see below).
Robert de Lasteyrie (ed.),
Cartulaire général de Paris ou recueil de documents relatifs à la topographie de Paris
(Imprimerie Nationale, Paris 1887).
Stamps “National Library of Scotland 22-5-[18]88” and “Cancelled 4 Jul 1945”.
Jean Adigard des Gautries,
Les noms de personnes scandinaves en Normandie de 911 à 1066
(Carl Bloms boktryckeri, Lund 1954).
Signed “A mon aimable collaboratrice Madame Toulet en souvenir des studieuses heures de travail à la bibliothèque de la Société Historique et Archéologique de l'Orne. J. Adigard des Gautries”.
Gösta Tengvik,
Old English bynames
(Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri, Lund 1938).
Signed by the author to Gunnar Knudsen [Swedish philologist].
Max Förster,
Der Flußname Themse und seine Sippe
(Bayerische Akademie, München, 1941).
Signed “Professor McIntosh from Max Förster”.
Contains also a letter dated 25 August 1948 (in English) from Förster to McIntosh on the topic of rising and falling diphthongs in OE (sent from Hochgartenweg 31, Wasserburg/Inn).
Förster (1869–1954) was professor in Leipzig and Munich.
Angus McIntosh (1914–2005) was Professor of English at Edinburgh.
E. H. Bates (ed.),
Two cartularies of the Benedictine abbeys of Muchelney and Athelney in the county of Somerset
Bookplate of Harry Percy Boord [1868–1923].
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