Keith Briggs

This page was last modified 2024-01-21  


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Using truetype fonts with pdflatex

Various websites describing how to do this are out-of-date. This procedure worked for me with the tetex 3.0 distribution. You might need to switch on local searching (i.e. in /usr/local/share/texmf/) in texmf.cnf. See here for more on this.

warning: these scripts do no error checking. Use with care. Also, this is mostly a hack. Do not expect proper handling of all font sizes. Certain glyphs (like 'ffi') may not work, and unicode support has not been considered.

Suppose you have a file trajanr.ttf which you'd like to use with pdflatex. Follow these steps as a normal user in a temporary directory:

  1. save this file as T1-WGL4.enc
  2. save this script as and make it executable
  3. run ./ trajanr
  4. run acroread trajanr.pdf and make sure the Trajan font worked. It should look something like this
  5. save this script as and make it executable
  6. do as root:
    • ./ trajanr
    • texhash
  7. do as root:
    • mkdir -p /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/unknown
    • mv T1-WGL4.enc /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/unknown
  8. run pdflatex trajanr.tex && acroread trajanr.pdf and make sure the Trajan font still works

Repeat steps 3, 4 and 6 for each font you want to install.

You can now delete the temporary directory. This website uses no cookies. This page was last modified 2024-01-21 10:57 by Keith Briggs private email address.