Keith Briggs - CV
positions held
- 2000-present: research mathematician, BT Research and Network Strategy
- 2021-3: Industrial Fellow in the Institute for Mathematical Innovation at the University of Bath
- 2016-23: Alan Tayler Visiting Lecturer, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
- 1999: visiting researcher, King's College Research Centre
- 1997-1999: postdoctoral research associate, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge;
and mathematics tutor, King's College, Cambridge
- 1995-6: research associate, Physics Department, University of Western Australia
- 1994: associate lecturer, Applied Mathematics Department, University of Adelaide
- 1992-3: research fellow, Mathematics Department, University of Melbourne
- 1989-90: research associate, Mathematics Department, La Trobe University
- 1986-9: tutor, Physics Department, University of Adelaide
- 1984-5: tutor, Physics Department, Prifysgol Cymru Bangor
other professional activities
- ORCID (very few of my papers currently listed)
- Guest editor for Special Issue of the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Dynamic Spectrum Management for 5G (2017)
- Examiner, MSc in Mathematics by Research, Queen Mary University of London
- Industrial Advisory Board, MSc in Modern Application of Mathematics, University of Bath
- organizer of the Royal Society meeting Networks: modelling and control; also editor of proceedings
- student supervision
- steering committee, MSc in Applied Numerical Computing, University of Manchester
- MASI strategy meeting, University of Leicester 2004 Dec 11
- Smith Institute meeting, University of Oxford 2004 Nov 22
- joint administrator of Mathematics of Networks mailing list
- CABDyN meeting, Oxford 2004 Sep 24
- Meeting on
Mathematics of networks, Martlesham 2004-07-02
- EPSRC Novel Computation cluster, Bristol, Bath and Oxford 2003
- advisory panel, MSc in mathematics of networks, University of York
- advisory panel, eMathematics MSc, Brunel University
- advisory panel, research program in long-range dependence, QMUL & York
- complex systems thinktank, Smith Institute, Oxford
- supervision of MSc and PhD students from Oxford, York and UMIST
- former member of American Mathematical Society and SIAM
- contributor to Mathworld
and GNU scientific
- referee for EPSRC, IEE, IEEE, AMS, Physical Review, Physics Letters
- I once held a chair in the Physics Department at the University of
Oxford, while the professor stood on it to get a book down from a high
previous research
- exact real arithmetic
- historical linguistic cladistics
- simultaneous Diophantine approximation algorithms
- statistics of internet round-trip times
- Markov chain models of TCP
- efficiency of small-world graphs
- low-discrepancy sequences for image sampling
- complexity of Boolean functions
- parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems models
- universal scaling in nonlinear dynamical systems
- biological effects of electromagnetic radiation
- Potts models and self-avoiding walks in statistical mechanics
- acoustics of baroque brass instruments
- quaternion iteration theory
- dense colloid simulations
- classical relativistic radiation theory
- My Ph.D. thesis: Feigenbaum scaling in discrete dynamical systems
awards, honours, and prizes
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