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English Place-Name Society - bibliographic data on survey volumes

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epns_coverage_labelled_small.png The Society was founded in 1923, and since 1968 its offices have been based at the University of Nottingham. By 2005 it had published 81 volumes of the county-by-county Survey of English Place-Names, and a range of books and booklets on names organized by region.

In the figure, counties coloured green have been surveyed in published volumes; counties coloured yellow are in progress; counties coloured white have editors appointed and work has started, and counties coloured red have no plans to be covered yet. The maps below show in green the approximate areas covered for the partially surveyed counties of Dorset, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, and Durham. (Of course, the counties referred to here are the real ones, not the modern ones.)

dorset_epns.png leicestershire_epns.png lincoln_wapentakes_qs_epns.png
norfolk_epns.png Durham_Ceremonial_Numbered_Stockton.png

volumes sorted by county

Note that the author information here is abbreviated. Please see the bibtex section below for more precise details.

BdHuBedfordshire & HuntingdonshireAllen Mawer & F. M. StentonIII1926
BkBuckinghamshireAllen Mawer & F. M. StentonII1925
BrkBerkshire, part 1Margaret GellingXLIX1973
Berkshire, part 2Margaret GellingL1974
Berkshire, part 3Margaret GellingLI1976
CCambridgeshire and the Isle of ElyP. H. ReaneyXIX1943
ChCheshire, part 1John McN. DodgsonXLIV1970
Cheshire, part 2John McN. DodgsonXLV1970
Cheshire, part 3John McN. DodgsonXLVI1971
Cheshire, part 4John McN. DodgsonXLVII1972
Cheshire, part 5 (1:i)John McN. DodgsonXLVIII1981
Cheshire, part 5 (1:ii)John McN. DodgsonLIV1981
Cheshire, part 5 (2)John McN. Dodgson and A. R. RumbleLXXIV1997
CoCornish place-name elementsO. J. PadelLVI/LVII1985
CuCumberland, part 1A. M. Armstrong & Allen Mawer & F. M. Stenton & Bruce DickinsXX1950
Cumberland, part 2A. M. Armstrong & Allen Mawer & F. M. Stenton & Bruce DickinsXXI1950
Cumberland, part 3A. M. Armstrong & Allen Mawer & F. M. Stenton & Bruce DickinsXXII1952
DDevon, part 1J. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonVIII1931
Devon, part 2J. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonIX1932
DbDerbyshire, part 1Cameron, KennethXXVII1959
Derbyshire, part 2Cameron, KennethXXVIII1959
Derbyshire, part 3Cameron, KennethXXVIX1959
DoDorset, part 1A. D. MillsLII1977
Dorset, part 2A. D. MillsLIII1980
Dorset, part 3A. D. MillsLIX/LX1989
Dorset, part 4A. D. MillsLXXXVI/LXXXVII2010
Dorset, part 5A. D. MillsXCIV2020
DuCounty Durham, part 1Victor WattsLXXXIII2007
EssEssexP. H. ReaneyXII1935
GlGloucestershire, part 1A. H. SmithXXXVIII1964
Gloucestershire, part 2A. H. SmithXXXIX1964
Gloucestershire, part 3A. H. SmithXL1964
Gloucestershire, part 4A. H. SmithXLI1965
HrtHertfordshireJ. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonXV1938
LeLeicestershire, part 1Barrie CoxLXXV1998
Leicestershire, part 2Barrie CoxLXXVIII2002
Leicestershire, part 3Barrie CoxLXXXI2004
Leicestershire, part 4Barrie CoxLXXXIV2009
Leicestershire, part 5Barrie CoxLXXXVIII2011
Leicestershire, part 6Barrie CoxXC2014
Leicestershire, part 7Barrie CoxXCI2016
Leicestershire, part 8Barrie CoxXCIII2019
LiLincolnshire, part 1Cameron, KennethLVIII1985
Lincolnshire, part 2Cameron, KennethLXIV/LXV1991
Lincolnshire, part 3Kenneth Cameron and J. Field and John InsleyLXVI1992
Lincolnshire, part 4Cameron, Kenneth and J. Field and John InsleyLXXI1996
Lincolnshire, part 5Cameron, Kenneth and J. Field and John InsleyLXXIII1997
Lincolnshire, part 6Cameron, Kenneth and J. Field and John InsleyLXXVII2001
Lincolnshire, part 7Kenneth Cameron and John InsleyLXXXV2010
MxMiddlesex not City of LondonJ. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonXVIII1942
NfNorfolk, part 1Karl Inge Sandred & B. LindströmLXI1989
Norfolk, part 2Karl Inge SandredLXXII1996
Norfolk, part 3Karl Inge SandredLXXIX2002
NtNottinghamshireJ. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonXVII1940
NthNorthamptonshireJ. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonX1933
OOxfordshire, part 1Margaret GellingXXIII1953
Oxfordshire, part 2Margaret GellingXXIV1954
RuRutlandBarrie CoxLXVII-LXIX1994
SaShropshire, part 1Margaret GellingLXII/LXIII1990
Shropshire, part 2Gelling, MargaretLXX1995
Shropshire, part 3Gelling, MargaretLXXVI2001
Shropshire, part 4Margaret GellingLXXX2004
Shropshire, part 5Margaret GellingLXXXII2006
Shropshire, part 6Margaret GellingLXXXIX2012
Shropshire, part 7John BakerXCII2018
Shropshire, part 8John Baker and Jayne CarrollXCV2020
Shropshire, part 9Paul CavillXCVI2020
SrSurreyJ. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. Stenton & with A. BonnerXI1934
StStaffordshire, part 1J. OakdenLV1984
SxSussex, part 1Allen Mawer & F. M. Stenton & with J. E. B. GoverVI1929
Sussex, part 2Allen Mawer & F. M. Stenton & with J. E. B. GoverVII1930
WWiltshireJ. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonXVI1939
WaWarwickshireJ. E. B. Gover & Allen Mawer & F. M. StentonXIII1936
WeWestmorland, part 1A. H. SmithXLII1967
Westmorland, part 2A. H. SmithXLIII1967
WoWorcestershireAllen Mawer & F. M. StentonIV1927
YEEast Riding of Yorkshire and YorkA. H. SmithXIV1937
YNNorth Riding of YorkshireA. H. SmithV1928
YWWest Riding of Yorkshire, part 1A. H. SmithXXX1961
West Riding of Yorkshire, part 2A. H. SmithXXXI1961
West Riding of Yorkshire, part 3A. H. SmithXXXII1961
West Riding of Yorkshire, part 4A. H. SmithXXXIII1961
West Riding of Yorkshire, part 5A. H. SmithXXXIV1961
West Riding of Yorkshire, part 6A. H. SmithXXXV1961
West Riding of Yorkshire, part 7A. H. SmithXXXVI1962
West Riding of Yorkshire, part 8A. H. SmithXXXVII1963


How to use this data: cut and paste the text below to a file called "epns.bib". In your LaTeX document include the command
and make citations thus:
or, using the natbib package,
\citet[p. 94]{epns_Db_3}
See bibtex for more information.

% DO NOT EDIT - bibtex auto-generated by at 2024-08-10 11:25

  title=    {Introduction to the survey of English place-names; Chief elements used in English place-names},
  editor=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  number=   {I, parts 1 and 2},
  year=     {1924},
  note=     {reissued 1980},
  sortyear= {1924},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 521 07498 3},
  address=  {Cambridge},

  title=    {The French element},
  author=   {Zachrisson, R. E.},
  pages=    {93--114},
  booktitle={Introduction to the survey of English place-names},
  editor=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  year=     {1924},
  note=     {reissued 1980},
  sortyear= {1924},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {I, part 1},
  address=  {Cambridge},

  title=    {Place-names and archaeology},
  author=   {Crawford, O. G. S.},
  pages=    {143--164},
  booktitle={Introduction to the survey of English place-names},
  editor=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  year=     {1924},
  note=     {reissued 1980},
  sortyear= {1924},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {I, part 1},
  address=  {Cambridge},

  title=    {English place-name elements part 1},
  editor=   {A. H. Smith},
  number=   {XXV},
  year=     {1956},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 521 04919 9},
  address=  {Cambridge},

  title=    {English place-name elements part 2},
  editor=   {A. H. Smith},
  number=   {XXVI},
  year=     {1956},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 521 04919 9},
  address=  {Cambridge},

  title=    {The vocabulary of English place-names: \emph{\'A--Box}},
  author=   {David N. Parsons and T. Styles and Carole Hough},
  shortauthor={Parsons and others},
  year=     {1997},
  publisher={Centre for English Name-Studies},
  isbn=     {0 9525343 5 5},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {The vocabulary of English place-names: \emph{Brace--C{\ae}ster}},
  author=   {David N. Parsons and T. Styles},
  shortauthor={Parsons and Styles},
  year=     {2000},
  publisher={Centre for English Name-Studies},
  isbn=     {0 9525343 6 3},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {The vocabulary of English place-names: \emph{Ceafor--Cock-pit}},
  author=   {David N. Parsons},
  year=     {2004},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0904889 74 2},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {The vocabulary of English place-names: draft \emph{M} entries},
  author=   {Paul Cullen},
  year=     {nd.},
  sortyear= {2021},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {Field-names of four Bedfordshire parishes},
  author=   {J. Schneider},
  year=     {1997},
  series=   {Field-name Studies},
  isbn=     {0904889 51 3},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {A dictionary of Lincolnshire place-names},
  author=   {Kenneth Cameron},
  year=     {1998},
  series =  {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {1},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 904 889 58 0},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {A dictionary of Lincolnshire place-names},
  author=   {Kenneth Cameron},
  year=     {1998},
  series =  {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {1},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 904 889 58 0},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  shorthand={Dict Li},

  title=    {A dictionary of Suffolk place-names},
  author=   {Keith Briggs and Kelly Kilpatrick},
  year=     {2016},
  series=   {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {6},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  note=     {in collaboration with the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, and with contributions and photographs from Edward Martin},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  ISBN=     {0 904889 91 2},
  ISBN13=   {978 0 904889 91 8},

  title=    {A dictionary of Suffolk place-names},
  author=   {Keith Briggs and Kelly Kilpatrick},
  year=     {2016},
  series=   {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {6},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  note=     {in collaboration with the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, and with contributions and photographs from Edward Martin},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  shorthand={Dict Sf},
  ISBN=     {0 904889 91 2},
  ISBN13=   {978 0 904889 91 8},

  title=    {An index to personal names in English place-names},
  author=   {Keith Briggs},
  year=     {2021},
  series=   {EPNS Supplementary Series},
  number=   {2},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  ISBN=     {978-1-911640-04-2},

  title=    {A new dictionary of English field-names},
  author=   {Paul Cavill},
  year=     {2018},
  series=   {Field-Name Studies},
  number=   {4},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  note=     {with an introduction by Rebecca Gregory},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  ISBN13=   {978 0 904889 98 7},

  title=    {Shropshire place-names: a short introduction},
  author=   {Anon.},
  year=     {2015},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  ISBN=     {0 904889 89 0},
  ISBN13=   {978 0 904889 89 5},

  title=    {Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Jayne Carroll},
  title=    {Perceiving place through time: English place-name studies 1924--2013},
  pages=    {xiii--xxxvii},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {O. J. Padel},
  title=    {Brittonic place-names in England},
  pages=    {1--41},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {David N. Parsons},
  title=    {Churls and athelings, kings and reeves: some reflections on place-names and early English Society},
  pages=    {43--72},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Gillian Fellows-Jensen},
  title=    {The Scandinavian background to English place-names},
  pages=    {75--101},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Matthew Townend},
  title=    {Scandinavian place-names in England},
  pages=    {103--126},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Richard Coates},
  title=    {Place-names and linguistics},
  pages=    {129--158},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Paul Cullen},
  title=    {English place-names and landscape terminology},
  pages=    {161--179},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Richard Jones},
  title=    {Settlement archaeology and place-names},
  pages=    {181--207},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {John Insley},
  title=    {Personal names in place-names},
  pages=    {209--249},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Carole Hough},
  title=    {Women in place-names},
  pages=    {251--281},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Thomas Owen Clancy},
  title=    {Many strata: English and Scots place-names in Scotland},
  pages=    {283--319},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Hywel Wyn Owen},
  title=    {English place-names in Wales},
  pages=    {321--353},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  booktitle={Perceptions of Place: twenty-first century interpretations of English place-name studies},
  editor=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  author=   {Kay Muhr},
  title=    {English place-names in Ireland},
  pages=    {355--397},
  year=     {2013},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {978-0-904889-86-4},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {A dictionary of Leicestershire and Rutland place-names},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  year=     {2005},
  series =  {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {5},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {090488970X},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {A dictionary of Leicestershire and Rutland place-names},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  year=     {2005},
  series =  {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {5},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {090488970X},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  shorthand={Dict LeR},

  title=    {A dictionary of Manx place-names},
  author=   {George Broderick},
  year=     {2006},
  series =  {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {4},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 904889 71 8},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {A dictionary of County Durham place-names},
  author=   {Victor Watts},
  year=     {2002},
  series =  {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {3},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 904889 65 3},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {A dictionary of County Durham place-names},
  author=   {Victor Watts},
  year=     {2002},
  series =  {EPNS Popular Series},
  number=   {3},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  isbn=     {0 904889 65 3},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  shorthand={Dict Du},

  title=    {A dictionary of Lake District place-names},
  author=   {Diana Whaley},
  year=     {2006},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  shorthand={Dict LD},

  title=    {A place-name history of Rottingdean and Ovingdean in the county of Sussex (including Woodingdean and Saltdean)},
  author=   {Richard Coates},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society Extra Series},
  number=   {2},
  year=     {2010},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {Anglo-Saxon mint-names 1: Axbridge--Hythe},
  author=   {Jayne Carroll and David N. Parsons},
  year=     {2007},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of West Thorney [Hampshire]},
  author=   {Richard Coates},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society Supplementary Series},
  number=   {1},
  year=     {1999},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {The church in English place-names},
  editor=   {Eleanor Quinton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society Extra Series},
  number=   {4},
  year=     {2009},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  title=    {The word \emph{church} in English place-names},
  booktitle={The church in English place-names},
  pages=    {7--14},
  editor=   {Eleanor Quinton},
  number=   {4},
  year=     {2009},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society Extra Series},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  author=   {Richard Coates},
  title=    {Bristol},
  series=   {Your City's Place-names},
  number=   {1},
  year=     {2017},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  isbn=     {978 0 904889 96 3},

  author=   {Richard Coates},
  title=    {Brighton and Hove, with Shoreham and Newhaven},
  year=     {2017},
  series=   {Your City's Place-names},
  number=   {2},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  isbn=     {978 0 904889 97 0},

  author=   {Harry Parkin},
  title=    {Leeds},
  year=     {2017},
  series=   {Your City's Place-names},
  number=   {3},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  isbn=     {978 0 904889 95 6},

  author=   {Richard Coates},
  title=    {Cambridge},
  year=     {2019},
  series=   {Your City's Place-names},
  number=   {4},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  isbn=     {978 1 911640 00 4},

  author=   {Richard Coates},
  title=    {Grimsby and Cleethorpes place-names},
  year=     {2020},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  isbn=     {978-1-911640-03-5},
  note=     {Online publication at {}},

  author=   {Richard Coates},
  title=    {Preparatory to \emph{A dictionary of Sussex place-names: A, E, I, O, U}},
  year=     {2017},
  publisher={privately published online},
  address=  {Bristol},
  note=     {Online publication at {}},

  author=   {David Parsons},
  title=    {Welsh and English in medieval Oswestry: the evidence of place-names},
  year=     {2022},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},
  isbn=     {978-1-911640-10-3},

  author=   {Keith Briggs},
  title=    {The place-names of Suffolk},
  year=     {forthcoming ?2025},
  publisher={English Place-Name Society},
  address=  {Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Bedfordshire \& Huntingdonshire},
  author=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {III},
  year=     {1926},
  shorthand={PN BdHu},
  sortname= {PNBdHu},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Bedfordshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Mawer and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Buckinghamshire},
  author=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {II},
  year=     {1925},
  shorthand={PN Bk},
  sortname= {PNBk},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Buckinghamshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Mawer and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Berkshire, part 1},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLIX},
  year=     {1973},
  shorthand={PN Brk1},
  sortname= {PNBrk1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Berkshire}, 
  note     ={County, district, road, dyke and river-names; hundreds of Ripplesmere, Bray,
 Beynhurst, Cookham, Charlton, Wargrave, Sonning, Reading, Theale, Faircross},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Berkshire, part 2},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {L},
  year=     {1974},
  shorthand={PN Brk2},
  sortname= {PNBrk2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Berkshire}, 
  note     ={Hundreds of Kintbury Eagle, Lambourn, Shrivenham, Ganfield, Ock, Hormer,
 Wantage, Compton, Moreton},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Berkshire, part 3},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LI},
  year=     {1976},
  shorthand={PN Brk3},
  sortname= {PNBrk3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Berkshire}, 
  note     ={Charter boundaries, introduction; analyses},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely},
  author=   {P. H. Reaney},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XIX},
  year=     {1943},
  shorthand={PN C},
  sortname= {PNC},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cambridgeshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Cheshire, part 1},
  author=   {John McN. Dodgson},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLIV},
  year=     {1970},
  shorthand={PN Ch1},
  sortname= {PNCh1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cheshire}, 
  note     ={County Name, Regional- \& Forest-names, River-names, Road-names; Macclesfield
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Cheshire, part 2},
  author=   {John McN. Dodgson},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLV},
  year=     {1970},
  shorthand={PN Ch2},
  sortname= {PNCh2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cheshire}, 
  note     ={Bucklow hundred and Northwich hundred},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Cheshire, part 3},
  author=   {John McN. Dodgson},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLVI},
  year=     {1971},
  shorthand={PN Ch3},
  sortname= {PNCh3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cheshire}, 
  note     ={Nantwich hundred and Eddisbury hundred},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Cheshire, part 4},
  author=   {John McN. Dodgson},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLVII},
  year=     {1972},
  shorthand={PN Ch4},
  sortname= {PNCh4},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cheshire}, 
  note     ={Broxton hundred and Wirral hundred},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Cheshire, part 5 (1:i)},
  author=   {John McN. Dodgson},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLVIII},
  year=     {1981},
  shorthand={PN Ch 5 (1:i)},
  sortname= {PNCh5(1:i)},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cheshire}, 
  note     ={City of Chester, the elements of Cheshire place-names (\emph{{\'a}-Gylden})},

  title=    {The place-names of Cheshire, part 5 (1:ii)},
  author=   {John McN. Dodgson},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LIV},
  year=     {1981},
  shorthand={PN Ch 5 (1:ii)},
  sortname= {PNCh5(1:ii)},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cheshire}, 
  note     ={The elements of Cheshire place-names (\emph{haca-yolden}), [analysis of
 field-names and] the personal-names in Cheshire place-names},

  title=    {The place-names of Cheshire, part 5 (2)},
  author=   {John McN. Dodgson and A. R. Rumble},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXIV},
  year=     {1997},
  shorthand={PN Ch 5 (2)},
  sortname= {PNCh5(2)},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cheshire}, 
  note     ={Introduction, linguistic notes and indexes with appendixes},
  address  ={Nottingham},
  shortauthor={Dodgson and others},

  title=    {Cornish place-name elements},
  author=   {O. J. Padel},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LVI/LVII},
  year=     {1985},
  sortname= {CoPNE},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cornwall}, 


  title=    {The place-names of Cumberland, part 1},
  author=   {A. M. Armstrong and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton and Bruce Dickins},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XX},
  year=     {1950},
  shorthand={PN Cu1},
  sortname= {PNCu1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cumberland}, 
  note     ={Eskdale, Cumberland, and Leath Wards},
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Armstrong and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Cumberland, part 2},
  author=   {A. M. Armstrong and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton and Bruce Dickins},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXI},
  year=     {1950},
  shorthand={PN Cu2},
  sortname= {PNCu2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cumberland}, 
  note     ={Allerdale above Derwent wards and Allerdale below Derwent ward},
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Armstrong and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Cumberland, part 3},
  author=   {A. M. Armstrong and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton and Bruce Dickins},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXII},
  year=     {1952},
  shorthand={PN Cu3},
  sortname= {PNCu3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Cumberland}, 
  note     ={Introduction etc.},
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Armstrong and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Devon, part 1},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {VIII},
  year=     {1931},
  shorthand={PN D1},
  sortname= {PND1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Devon}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Devon, part 2},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {IX},
  year=     {1932},
  shorthand={PN D2},
  sortname= {PND2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Devon}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Derbyshire, part 1},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXVII},
  year=     {1959},
  shorthand={PN Db1},
  sortname= {PNDb1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Derbyshire}, 
  note     ={Introduction, river-names, etc. High Peak hundred},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Derbyshire, part 2},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXVIII},
  year=     {1959},
  shorthand={PN Db2},
  sortname= {PNDb2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Derbyshire}, 
  note     ={Scarsdale hundred; Wirksworth hundred; Morleyston and Litchurch hundred},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Derbyshire, part 3},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXVIX},
  year=     {1959},
  shorthand={PN Db3},
  sortname= {PNDb3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Derbyshire}, 
  note     ={Appletree hundred; Repton and Gresley hundreds; Analyses; Index},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Dorset, part 1},
  author=   {A. D. Mills},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LII},
  year=     {1977},
  shorthand={PN Do1},
  sortname= {PNDo1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Dorset}, 
  note     ={The Isle of Purbeck, the hundreds of Rowbarrow, Hasler, Winfrith, Culliford
 Tree, Bere Regis, Barrow, Puddletown, St. George},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Dorset, part 2},
  author=   {A. D. Mills},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LIII},
  year=     {1980},
  shorthand={PN Do2},
  sortname= {PNDo2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Dorset}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of Cogdean, Loosebarrow, Rushmore, Combs Ditch, Pimperne, Badbury,
 Cranborne, Wimborne St Giles, Knowlton, Monkton up Wimborne},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Dorset, part 3},
  author=   {A. D. Mills},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LIX/LX},
  year=     {1989},
  shorthand={PN Do3},
  sortname= {PNDo3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Dorset}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of Redlane, Sixpenny Handley, Sturminster Newton, Whiteway,
 Buckland Newton, Brownsall, Sherborne},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Dorset, part 4},
  author=   {A. D. Mills},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXVI/LXXXVII},
  year=     {2010},
  shorthand={PN Do4},
  sortname= {PNDo4},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Dorset}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of Ugges\-combe, Eggardon, Tollerford, Cerne, Totcombe and Modbury,
 Yetminster, Beaminster, Whit\-church Canonicorum, Marchwood Vale and
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Dorset, part 5},
  author=   {A. D. Mills},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XCIV},
  year=     {2020},
  shorthand={PN Do5},
  sortname= {PNDo5},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Dorset}, 
  note     ={Districts, rivers, introduction, analyses, index},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of County Durham, part 1},
  author=   {Victor Watts},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXIII},
  year=     {2007},
  shorthand={PN Du1},
  sortname= {PNDu1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Durham}, 
  note     ={Stockton Ward},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Essex},
  author=   {P. H. Reaney},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XII},
  year=     {1935},
  shorthand={PN Ess},
  sortname= {PNEss},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Essex}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Gloucestershire, part 1},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXVIII},
  year=     {1964},
  shorthand={PN Gl1},
  sortname= {PNGl1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Gloucestershire}, 
  note     ={The river- and road-names; The East Cotswolds},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Gloucestershire, part 2},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXIX},
  year=     {1964},
  shorthand={PN Gl2},
  sortname= {PNGl2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Gloucestershire}, 
  note     ={The North and West Cotswolds},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Gloucestershire, part 3},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XL},
  year=     {1964},
  shorthand={PN Gl3},
  sortname= {PNGl3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Gloucestershire}, 
  note     ={The Lower Severn Valley; The Forest of Dean},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Gloucestershire, part 4},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLI},
  year=     {1965},
  shorthand={PN Gl4},
  sortname= {PNGl4},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Gloucestershire}, 
  note     ={Introduction, bibliography, analyses, index, maps},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Hertfordshire},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XV},
  year=     {1938},
  shorthand={PN Hrt},
  sortname= {PNHrt},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Hertfordshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 1},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXV},
  year=     {1998},
  shorthand={PN Le1},
  sortname= {PNLe1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={The Borough of Leicester},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 2},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXVIII},
  year=     {2002},
  shorthand={PN Le2},
  sortname= {PNLe2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={Framland hundred},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 3},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXI},
  year=     {2004},
  shorthand={PN Le3},
  sortname= {PNLe3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={East Goscote hundred},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 4},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXIV},
  year=     {2009},
  shorthand={PN Le4},
  sortname= {PNLe4},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={Gartree hundred},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 5},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXVIII},
  year=     {2011},
  shorthand={PN Le5},
  sortname= {PNLe5},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={Guthlaxton hundred},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 6},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XC},
  year=     {2014},
  shorthand={PN Le6},
  sortname= {PNLe6},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={Sparkenhoe hundred},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 7},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XCI},
  year=     {2016},
  shorthand={PN Le7},
  sortname= {PNLe7},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={West Goscote hundred and the Leicestershire parishes of Repton and Gresley
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Leicestershire, part 8},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XCIII},
  year=     {2019},
  shorthand={PN Le8},
  sortname= {PNLe8},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Leicestershire}, 
  note     ={Rivers, roads, folk, analyses, overview, index},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Lincolnshire, part 1},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LVIII},
  year=     {1985},
  shorthand={PN Li1},
  sortname= {PNLi1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Lincolnshire}, 
  note     ={The County of the City of Lincoln},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Lincolnshire, part 2},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXIV/LXV},
  year=     {1991},
  shorthand={PN Li2},
  sortname= {PNLi2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Lincolnshire}, 
  note     ={Lincolnshire; Lindsey; North Riding; Yarborough Wapentake},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Lincolnshire, part 3},
  author=   {Kenneth Cameron and J. Field and John Insley},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXVI},
  year=     {1992},
  shorthand={PN Li3},
  sortname= {PNLi3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Lincolnshire}, 
  note     ={Walshcroft Wapentake},
  address  ={Nottingham},
  shortauthor={Cameron and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Lincolnshire, part 4},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth and J. Field and John Insley},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXI},
  year=     {1996},
  shorthand={PN Li4},
  sortname= {PNLi4},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Lincolnshire}, 
  note     ={The Wapentakes of Ludborough and Haverstoe},
  address  ={Nottingham},
  shortauthor={Cameron and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Lincolnshire, part 5},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth and J. Field and John Insley},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXIII},
  year=     {1997},
  shorthand={PN Li5},
  sortname= {PNLi5},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Lincolnshire}, 
  note     ={The Wapentake of Bradley},
  address  ={Nottingham},
  shortauthor={Cameron and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Lincolnshire, part 6},
  author=   {Cameron, Kenneth and J. Field and John Insley},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXVII},
  year=     {2001},
  shorthand={PN Li6},
  sortname= {PNLi6},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Lincolnshire}, 
  note     ={The Wapentakes of Manley and Aslacoe},
  address  ={Nottingham},
  shortauthor={Cameron and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Lincolnshire, part 7},
  author=   {Kenneth Cameron and John Insley},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXV},
  year=     {2010},
  shorthand={PN Li7},
  sortname= {PNLi7},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Lincolnshire}, 
  note     ={Lawress Wapentake (in collaboration with Jean Cameron)},
  address  ={Nottingham},
  shortauthor={Cameron and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Middlesex apart from the City of London},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XVIII},
  year=     {1942},
  shorthand={PN Mx},
  sortname= {PNMx},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Middlesex}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Norfolk, part 1},
  author=   {Karl Inge Sandred and B. Lindström},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXI},
  year=     {1989},
  shorthand={PN Nf1},
  sortname= {PNNf1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Norfolk}, 
  note     ={The place-names of the City of Norwich},
  address  ={Nottingham},
  shortauthor={Sandred and Lindström},

  title=    {The place-names of Norfolk, part 2},
  author=   {Karl Inge Sandred},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXII},
  year=     {1996},
  shorthand={PN Nf2},
  sortname= {PNNf2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Norfolk}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of East and West Flegg, Happing and Tunstead},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Norfolk, part 3},
  author=   {Karl Inge Sandred},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXIX},
  year=     {2002},
  shorthand={PN Nf3},
  sortname= {PNNf3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Norfolk}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of North and South Erpingham and Holt},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Nottinghamshire},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XVII},
  year=     {1940},
  shorthand={PN Nt},
  sortname= {PNNt},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Nottinghamshire }, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Northamptonshire},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {X},
  year=     {1933},
  shorthand={PN Nth},
  sortname= {PNNth},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Northamptonshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Oxfordshire, part 1},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXIII},
  year=     {1953},
  shorthand={PN O1},
  sortname= {PNO1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Oxfordshire}, 
  note     ={Road-, dyke-, and river-names; City of Oxford; hundreds of Langtree, Binfield,
 Pyrton, Lewknor, Ewelme, Thame, Dorchester, Bullingdon, Ploughley},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Oxfordshire, part 2},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXIV},
  year=     {1954},
  shorthand={PN O2},
  sortname= {PNO2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Oxfordshire}, 
  note     ={Hundreds of Wootton, Bampton, Chadlington, Bloxham, Banbury; elements,
 pre-Celtic and French names; distribution; personal names; feudal and manorial
 names, saints' names, appendix, indices},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Rutland},
  author=   {Barrie Cox},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXVII-LXIX},
  year=     {1994},
  shorthand={PN Ru},
  sortname= {PNRu},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Rutland}, 
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 1},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXII/LXIII},
  year=     {1990},
  shorthand={PN Sa1},
  sortname= {PNSa1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={The major names of Shropshire (in collaboration with the late H. D. G. Foxall)},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 2},
  author=   {Gelling, Margaret},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXX},
  year=     {1995},
  shorthand={PN Sa2},
  sortname= {PNSa2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of Ford and Condover (in collaboration with the late H. D. G. Foxall)},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 3},
  author=   {Gelling, Margaret},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXVI},
  year=     {2001},
  shorthand={PN Sa3},
  sortname= {PNSa3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={Telford New Town, The Northern Part of Munslow hundred and the Franchise of
 Wenlock (in collaboration with the late H. D. G. Foxall)},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 4},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXX},
  year=     {2004},
  shorthand={PN Sa4},
  sortname= {PNSa4},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={Shrewsbury Town and suburbs and the liberties of Shrewsbury},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 5},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXII},
  year=     {2006},
  shorthand={PN Sa5},
  sortname= {PNSa5},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of Pimhill and Bradford North},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 6},
  author=   {Margaret Gelling},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LXXXIX},
  year=     {2012},
  shorthand={PN Sa6},
  sortname= {PNSa6},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={The hundreds of Brimstree and Bradford South},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 7},
  author=   {John Baker},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XCII},
  year=     {2018},
  shorthand={PN Sa7},
  sortname= {PNSa7},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={Stottesdon Hundred and the Borough of Bridgnorth (with Sarah Beach)},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 8},
  author=   {John Baker and Jayne Carroll},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XCV},
  year=     {2020},
  shorthand={PN Sa8},
  sortname= {PNSa8},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={Overs Hundred; the Borough of Ludlow; the southern part of Munslow Hundred; the
 Stowe division of Purslow Hundred (with Sarah Beach and Helen Watt)},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Shropshire, part 9},
  author=   {Paul Cavill},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XCVI},
  year=     {2020},
  shorthand={PN Sa9},
  sortname= {PNSa9},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Shropshire}, 
  note     ={Chirbury Hundred and the Bishop's Castle division of Purslow Hundred (with Sarah Beach)},
  address  ={Nottingham},

  title=    {The place-names of Surrey},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton and with A. Bonner},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XI},
  year=     {1934},
  shorthand={PN Sr},
  sortname= {PNSr},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Surrey}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Staffordshire, part 1},
  author=   {J. Oakden},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {LV},
  year=     {1984},
  shorthand={PN St1},
  sortname= {PNSt1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Staffordshire}, 
  note     ={Cuttlestone hundred},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Sussex, part 1},
  author=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton and with J. E. B. Gover},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {VI},
  year=     {1929},
  shorthand={PN Sx1},
  sortname= {PNSx1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Sussex}, 
  note     ={The rapes of Chichester, Arundel and Bramber},
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Mawer and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Sussex, part 2},
  author=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton and with J. E. B. Gover},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {VII},
  year=     {1930},
  shorthand={PN Sx2},
  sortname= {PNSx2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Sussex}, 
  note     ={The rapes of Lewes, Pevensey and Hastings},
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Mawer and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Wiltshire},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XVI},
  year=     {1939},
  shorthand={PN W},
  sortname= {PNW},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Wiltshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Warwickshire},
  author=   {J. E. B. Gover and Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XIII},
  year=     {1936},
  shorthand={PN Wa},
  sortname= {PNWa},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Warwickshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Gover and others},

  title=    {The place-names of Westmorland, part 1},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLII},
  year=     {1967},
  shorthand={PN We1},
  sortname= {PNWe1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Westmorland}, 
  note     ={Introduction; River- and Lake-names; road-names; The Barony of Kendal},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Westmorland, part 2},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XLIII},
  year=     {1967},
  shorthand={PN We2},
  sortname= {PNWe2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Westmorland}, 
  note     ={The Barony of Westmorland; Analyses, Index, Maps},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of Worcestershire},
  author=   {Allen Mawer and F. M. Stenton},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {IV},
  year=     {1927},
  shorthand={PN Wo},
  sortname= {PNWo},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,Worcestershire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},
  shortauthor={Mawer and others},

  title=    {The place-names of the East Riding of Yorkshire and York},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XIV},
  year=     {1937},
  shorthand={PN YE},
  sortname= {PNYE},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,East Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the North Riding of Yorkshire},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {V},
  year=     {1928},
  shorthand={PN YN},
  sortname= {PNYN},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,North Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 1},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXX},
  year=     {1961},
  shorthand={PN YW1},
  sortname= {PNYW1},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={Lower \& Upper Strafforth and Staincross Wapentakes},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 2},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXI},
  year=     {1961},
  shorthand={PN YW2},
  sortname= {PNYW2},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={Osgoldcross and Agbrigg Wapentakes},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 3},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXII},
  year=     {1961},
  shorthand={PN YW3},
  sortname= {PNYW3},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={Morley Wapentake},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 4},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXIII},
  year=     {1961},
  shorthand={PN YW4},
  sortname= {PNYW4},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={Barkston Ash, Skyrack and Ainsty Wapentakes},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 5},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXIV},
  year=     {1961},
  shorthand={PN YW5},
  sortname= {PNYW5},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={Upper and Lower Claro Wapentakes},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 6},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXV},
  year=     {1961},
  shorthand={PN YW6},
  sortname= {PNYW6},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={East \& West Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentakes},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 7},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXVI},
  year=     {1962},
  shorthand={PN YW7},
  sortname= {PNYW7},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={Introduction, Bibliography, River-names; Analyses},
  address  ={Cambridge},

  title=    {The place-names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, part 8},
  author=   {A. H. Smith},
  series=   {English Place-Name Society},
  number=   {XXXVII},
  year=     {1963},
  shorthand={PN YW8},
  sortname= {PNYW8},
  keywords ={EPNSurvey,West Riding of Yorkshire}, 
  note     ={Index},
  address  ={Cambridge},

An EPNS to Gelling dictionary

WtIOWIsle of Wight
YEYOEEast Riding of Yorkshire
YNYONNorth Riding of Yorkshire
YWYOWWest Riding of Yorkshire

A Gelling to EPNS dictionary

IOWWtIsle of Wight
YOEYEEast Riding of Yorkshire
YONYNNorth Riding of Yorkshire
YOWYWWest Riding of Yorkshire
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