Klein polyhedra
Romanian translation of this webpage
I work in , and in the lattice embedded in it.
Consider three planes with (not necessarily unit) normals
through the origin. Consider the octant defined by
Now form the convex hull of the points of
(excluding the origin) contained in this octant.
This is the Klein polyhedron of the cubic form

Klein polyhedra are also known as Arnold sails or veils
(voiles in French). These were proposed over 100 years ago by Klein,
but have only become of interest again in the last 10 years.
To visualize a Klein polyhedron, we take a finite piece near the origin and flatten
the piece onto a plane to produce images such as in the next section.
More precisely, for each vertex point x in the convex hull, we let

and plot .
Thus , so by plotting any two
components we have full information.
(In a few cases I plot other coordinates of
than 1 and 2 in order to compare with published results.)
These are joined by straight lines.
These lines would be curved if they were the true projections of the
edges of the convex hull, but the picture is clearer with straight lines.
The black dots within faces are points of the convex hull which are not
boundary points of a face. The faces are coloured by type, in an attempt
to make the periodicity clear. Sometimes this colouring can go wrong at the edges.
The main point of interest is that the patterns are periodic iff the planes
are related to a totally real cubic number field. The exact relationship
is discussed in the papers of Lachaud and Korkina referenced below.
My main interest was the development of algorithms for constructing these
figures. There is an algorithm in the thesis of
J.-O. Moussafir
referenced below, but I didn't like this so much because it works with rational approximations to the planes, and I was interested in irrational planes. After a lot of experimentation with computing exactly the convex hull of very large sets of points with integral coordinates, I found I had best success with the
hull program
by Ken Clarkson.
Some of the examples are taken from the papers in the bibliography below.
For each example, I give the generating polynomial of the cubic field
and a matrix whose columns
give the coefficients of the normal vectors.
In some cases I also give a (symmetric and unimodular if possible)
integral matrix m whose
characteristic polynomial is . In these cases we know that Korkina's
theorem (Thm 3.5 on page 135 of [Korkina 1995]) applies, so that the pattern
has two periods.
Example 0
Korkina MR97j:11032 pages 129ff
(MathSciNet lookup)
Example 1
Parusnikov MR99f:11083 page 456.
Plotted: (Misprint in paper?)
Roots of (3rd extremal Davenport form),
Example 2
Parusnikov MR96a:11061 page 999
Example 3
Parusnikov MR96a:11061 page 1002
Example 4
Parusnikov, Klein's polyhedra with big faces, page 6
Roots of 
(4th extremal Davenport form)
Example 5
This is the first of a series of examples (except example 10)
where we run through the
totally real cubic fields in order of discriminant as listed in Appendix B
of Cohen's book A course in computational algebraic number theory,
starting with discriminant 169. Until discriminant 961, an integral basis
is always given by , where is a root
of the defining polynomial.
Thus, unless otherwise stated, from now on the matrix is always of the
same form as this example.
Roots of
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9
Example 10
Parusnikov, Klein's polyhedra for the fifth extremal cubic form, page 6.
Example 11
Example 12
Example 13
Example 14
Example 15
Example 16
Example 17
Example 18
Example 19
Example 20
Example 21
Example 22
Example 23
Example 24
Example 25
Example 26
V. I. Arnold |
A. D. Bruno |
F. C. Klein |
J.-O. Moussafir
Some preprints are from the Keldysh Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
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- V. I. Parusnikov.
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