python libraries
C libraries
- very_nauty - graph theory software for clique and chromatic number
- mpfs - stochastic lazy exact floating-point arithmetic
- graphlib - low-level graph library
- fps - formal power series library
- xrc - exact real arithmetic in C
- Ode - command line ode solver
- pipemath - shell pipeline data analysis
C and python codes
- pinwheel.py - generate pinwheel aperiodic tiling
- quintic.c - analyse a quintic
- e.c - e=? (by Andrew Conway)
- god.c - bit guesser (with Adrian Stacey)
- XR: exact real arithmetic in python and C++ (please use xrc or mpfs instead)
- doubledouble
- dlia - Liapunov exponents of time series
- ode 2.6 - my classic MSDOS ODE solver from 1991 (still works in Windows)
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