This page was automatically generated by on 2024-01-21 10:57
site map
2006 photos
2007 photos
English place-names containing 'seven' and 'nine'
Anglo-Saxon charters with Old English bounds
- OE fonts
- pdf in beowulf font
- pdf in junirg font
- pdf in junimrg font
Anglo-Saxon communication networks
- click here
- click here
- click here
- click here
- click here
- click here
History of physics at the University of Adelaide
- Physics and physicists in the University of Adelaide - the first seventy five years
- Bragg centenary
Anglo-Saxon dithematic names
Anglo-Saxon dithematic names
Basil Hugh Briggs 1923-1994
- list of BHB's papers
Birmingham train performance data
Bath Spa train performance data
Bayesian analysis of UK place-names - revised 2008 version
- here
Bayesian analysis of UK place-names
- here
Beccles to Martlesham bike ride 2009-01-11
Beowulf - pdf edition
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
Bury St. Edmunds to Martlesham bike ride, 2009-03-21
Canterbury East train performance data
Cambridge train performance data
Canterbury West train performance data
Colchester train performance data
Coventry train performance data
City Thameslink train performance data
Cambridge to Ipswich bike ride, 2008 Oct 12-13
DB place-name forms
- pdf in folio order
- pdf in alphabetic order of DB names
- pdf in alphabetic order of reversed DB names
- pdf in alphabetic order of modern names
Doncaster train performance data
A dictionary of Suffolk place-names
Edinburgh Waverley train performance data
EEMF Bach cantata workshop Rushmere 2006 April 09
Photos from EEMF Monteverdi Vespers, 2007 May 04-06, Norwich
Ely train performance data
English placename element distribution
- Download
GB geometry
cliques in G(n,p)
Ipswich train performance data
In memory of Gill Briggs
JEPNS - tables of contents
- here
- here
- here
- JEPNS.bib
- Basil Briggs
Leeds train performance data
Leicester train performance data
Manchester train performance data
MSc project ideas for 2008
- pdf
- pdf with pause points
- pdf 3x3 single-sheet handout
- pdf
- pdf with pause points
- pdf 3x3 single-sheet handout
MSc project ideas for 2009
MSc project ideas for 2010
MSc project ideas for 2011
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
Newcastle train performance data
Nottingham train performance data
The earliest records of Newmarket
- here
Nomina - tables of contents
Nomina - tables of contents
- pdf file
- here
- Nomina.bib
ODE sensitivity
- download
Oxford train performance data
Ode (command-line ODE solver)
- Ode.tgz
Peterborough train performance data
Reading train performance data
Roman road maps
- Margary roads, with ancient names from Rivet and Smith
- Margary roads
- All roads
- Margary roads, with ancient names from Rivet and Smith
- Margary roads (approx. 5Mb)
- All roads (approx. 5Mb)
- Figure 1, page 37
- Figure 3, page 84-85
- Figure 5, page 126
- Figure 7a, page 192
- Figure 7b, page 193
- Figure 9, page 244
- Figure 12, page 278
- Figure 14, page 359 (approx. 1Mb)
- pdf document (approx. 13Mb)
Sheffield train performance data
Swindon train performance data
Suffolk place-name elements list
Suffolk place-names course
- here
- here
Thelnetham and Whelnetham in Suffolk: early Christian sites?
- here
- W-ology, or, some exactly solvable growth models
York train performance data
abundant numbers
Bach WTC letter
Photos of Bach sites
some recent papers which cite my papers
my papers
Basil Hugh Briggs (1923-1994) - papers
combinatorial graph theory
- oberschelp-gmp-02.500
- 1 node
- 2 nodes
- 3 nodes
- 4 nodes
- 5 nodes
- 6 nodes
- 7 nodes
- 8 nodes
- 9 nodes
- 10 nodes
- 11 nodes
- 12 nodes
- 13 nodes
- 14 nodes
- 15 nodes
- 16 nodes
- 17 nodes
- 18 nodes
- 19 nodes
- 20 nodes
- 21 nodes
- 22 nodes
- 23 nodes
- 24 nodes
- 25 nodes
- all 11 graphs, 4 nodes
- all 34 graphs, 5 nodes
- all 156 graphs, 6 nodes
- all 1044 graphs, 7 nodes
- all 236 connected graphs, 8 nodes, 9 edges
- all 428 graphs, 10 nodes, 8 edges
- Total number of graphs, 1-25 nodes
- data
- here
- here
Old English collective plant-names in place-names
- here
- 42nd report
- 44th report, google books snippet view only
- 46th report
- 49th report
OE and ME cunte in place-names
- here
- here
- Industrial Fellow
- Alan Tayler Visiting Lecturer
- student supervision
- My Ph.D. thesis: Feigenbaum scaling in discrete dynamical systems
Date descriptor
Date Descriptor
Deramy's Stone
Bibliography on simultaneous Diophantine approximation
Distance distributions
The distribution of distance to Roman roads in England
The distribution of distance to Roman roads in England
- paper
- download
The distribution of distance of certain place-name types to Roman roads
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- pdf
- download
Document Date Descriptor
Document Date Descriptor
- DDD_test_cases.txt
English Place-name Society survey volumes
Europe_map - mapping software
- png
- pdf
- png
- pdf
- png
- pdf
- png
- pdf
ex libris
- Helen Cam
Family tree
Feigenbaum constants
- thesis
A critique of P Forster et al, Evolution of English basic vocabulary ...
formal power series
- download
- here
- online
- online
Graph theory and Lambert's W function
- here
- here
- download
Harpsichord building
- Journal of the English Place-Name Society
heath - some thoughts on the word
independence and correlation
- visiting lecturer
- Industrial Fellow
- me on Wikipedia
- me on Google Street View
- me on Google Street View again
- me on Google Scholar
- place-names
- harpsichording
- cycling
- JEPNS contents
- travel 2024
- travel 2023
- Bodleian Suffolk charters
- website
- AIMM project
- here
- github
- Suffolk History Hub
- online
- An index to personal names in English place-names
- downloadable for free
- online
- online
- online
- online
- online
- now published
- online
- online
- online
- online
- online
- online
- online
- online
- python code for quantile estimation
- document date descriptor (DDD)
An index to personal names in English place-names
- downloadable for free
- other publications
Klein polyhedra
- Anglo-Saxon dithematic names
- Beowulf - pdf edition
- Oddities of US English
- spellometer
- The famous Trajan column inscription compared to a truetype trajan font
- UK English phoneme pair frequency table
- etymology of the word `network'
- Shakespeare's contributions to mathematics
- my pdf edition of the Rigveda (2.2Mb)
- English and Latin text trigram frequencies
- notes on place-name topics
external links - online journals and books
external links - languages
- The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland
- Middle English Dictionary
- Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal: Woordenboeken
- Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek (VMNW)
- Sveriges medeltida personnamn
- Niederdeutsches Wort
- Us Wurk
- Ortnamnsregistret
- Speed proof maps
- Online books for Essex and Suffolk surname research
external links - mathematics
external links - software
- pyshp
- openpyxl
- lp_solve
- doubledouble
- My diagram of LaTeX file dependencies
- networkx
external links - travel information
- OS Maps
- road sketch map - how to get here by car
- mathematical software
- mathematics
- online mathematics journals and books
- languages, place-names etc.
- travel information
- clique here
- places where I have lived
- places where I have worked
- Heathfield
The lottery - an order statistics paradox?
- here
- My Roman road maps
- notes on place-name topics
- Distribution of distance to Roman roads
Martlesham - some thoughts on the name
- heath
- here
maths notes
- the worst approximable pair
- My diagram of pdfLaTeX file dependencies
- A note on sampling scale-free graphs
- MSc project ideas for 2008
- cliques in G(n,p)
- Graph theory and Lambert's W function
- George Szekeres 1911-2005
- Combinatorial graph theory
- Interpoint distances for two colours of points
- Matula numbers and rooted trees
- The travelling salesman problem for randomly distributed nodes
- An odd problem
- Distance distributions
- Hackenbush strings
- Superabundant and colossally abundant numbers
- Feigenbaum constants
- Geometry of Great Britain
- Klein polyhedra
- The lottery - an order statistics paradox?
- Independence and correlation
- Statistical analysis of CAIDA skitter data
- Shakespeare's contributions to mathematics
- English and Latin text trigram frequencies
- Asymptotics of connected labelled graphs
- Chart of historical musical temperaments
- Turing machine in Conway's game of life
- US English phoneme pair frequency table
- Some integrals involving erf
- Graph of the Gauss continued-fraction map
- Statistics of continued fractions
- A precise calculation of the Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing constant
- The two-dimensional Bruno function
- The Yoccoz U function
- html
- pdf
- My entry
- W-ology, or, some exactly solvable growth models
- My diagram of LaTeX file dependencies
Matula numbers and rooted trees
The river Mearcella in Suffolk, once again
- here
- travel
- workshop
- Integration of onomastic data into geo-spatial infrastructures
- Mobile Cloud Networking
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- more details...
- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
- council member
- Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland
- Suffolk Local History Council
- Suffolk Records Society
- Norfolk Record Society
- Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society
- Cymdeithas Enwau Lleoedd Cymru
- The Essex Society for Archaeology and History
- Cambridgeshire Records Society
- Friends of the Suffolk Archives
- Medieval Settlement Research Group
- International Council of Onomastic Sciences
mpfl - lazy exact floating-point arithmetic
mpfs - stochastic lazy exact floating-point arithmetic
- EEMF Bach workshop
- photos of harpsichord building
- photos of Bach sites
- letter
- chart of historical musical temperaments
Etymology of `network'
Etymology of the words `network', `net', and `work'
Newbourne - some thoughts on the name
- here
Oddities of US English
- Journal of the English Place-Name Society
- Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History
- An index to personal names in English place-names
- A dictionary of Suffolk place-names
- arXiv
- EuCAP 2023
- pdf
- here
- VTC2022-Fall
- VTC2022-Fall
- EuCNC and 6G summit
- Maths4DL opening workshop
- SNSBI meeting
- full text online
- SNSBI Newsletter
- full text online
- full text online
- Kaiserslautern Applied and Industrial Mathematics Days
- full text online
- IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 86 (2021), 188-219
- online access
- The earliest records of Newmarket
- Thelnetham and Whelnetham in Suffolk: early Christian sites?
- online publication
- PIMRC 2020
- volume 69 issue 10 (October 2020) pp.11786-11789
- Techno-economic evaluation of a brokerage role in the context of integrated satellite-5G networks
- online publication
- online article
- free access to pdf
- online article
- free access to pdf
- free access link
- Online article
- EuCNC19
- EuCNC2018
- EuCNC2018
- doi link
- OUP online version
- arxiv preprint
- arxiv
- Robust spectrum sensing for cognitive radio based on statistical tests
- Kamran Arshad
- Keith Briggs
- Klaus Moessner
- Harrow
- The distribution of distance of certain place-name types to Roman roads
- others
- Freemantle
- Seven wells
- pdf
- pdf
- Some explicit badly approximable pairs
- Another universal differential equation
- Computing TCP equilibrium sensitivity with Markov chains
- Gaussian multi-level FM for high-bandwidth satellite communications
- arxiv
- pdf
- History of physics at the University of Adelaide
- some papers which cite my papers
Parish boundary maps of England and Wales
- tree
- Gill Briggs
- Basil Hugh Briggs
- Sofia Pediaditaki
- George Szekeres
- Percy Hide Reaney
- Martlesham Heath under snow, 2010 January
- Beccles to Martlesham bike ride 2009-01-11
- Cambridge to Ipswich bike ride, 2008 Oct 12-13
- 2007 photos (digital)
- photos from EEMF Monteverdi Vespers, 2007 May 04-06, Norwich (digital)
- 2006 photos
- Then and now
- Provence January 2003
- Martlesham aerial photo
- Me with my student Min Chen
- Me with Vera Hayova
- photos of Bach sites
Photos Martlesham Heath 2010 Jan
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- full-size
- pipemath-1.2.tgz
- here
- Old English collective plant-names in place-names
- The wolverine: an animal-name from a personal name?
- available
- The Karnser in Stowmarket
- Suffolk place-name elements list
- The history of Suffolk place-names
- Ebbsfleet
- Britannia (panegyric)
- DB place-name forms
- portable gui
- Burway
- Bayesian analysis of UK place-names
- Deramy's Stone
- Anglo-Saxon communication networks
- Distribution of distance to Roman roads
- Anglo-Saxon charters with Old English bounds - pdf edition
- Newbourne
- Martlesham
- Bayesian analysis of UK place-names
- English place-name element distribution
- development of the name `Cambridge'
- heath
- notes on language topics
Places where I have lived
Places where I have worked
- Journal of the English Place-Name Society
- Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History
- An index to personal names in English place-names
- A dictionary of Suffolk place-names
- arXiv
- EuCAP 2023
- pdf
- here
- VTC2022-Fall
- VTC2022-Fall
- EuCNC and 6G summit
- Maths4DL opening workshop
- SNSBI meeting
- full text online
- SNSBI Newsletter
- full text online
- full text online
- Kaiserslautern Applied and Industrial Mathematics Days
- full text online
- IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 86 (2021), 188-219
- online access
- The earliest records of Newmarket
- Thelnetham and Whelnetham in Suffolk: early Christian sites?
- online publication
- PIMRC 2020
- volume 69 issue 10 (October 2020) pp.11786-11789
- Techno-economic evaluation of a brokerage role in the context of integrated satellite-5G networks
- online publication
- online article
- free access to pdf
- online article
- free access to pdf
- free access link
- Online article
- EuCNC19
- EuCNC2018
- EuCNC2018
- doi link
- OUP online version
- arxiv preprint
- arxiv
- Robust spectrum sensing for cognitive radio based on statistical tests
- Kamran Arshad
- Keith Briggs
- Klaus Moessner
- Harrow
- The distribution of distance of certain place-name types to Roman roads
- others
- Freemantle
- Seven wells
- pdf
- pdf
- Some explicit badly approximable pairs
- Another universal differential equation
- Computing TCP equilibrium sensitivity with Markov chains
- Gaussian multi-level FM for high-bandwidth satellite communications
- arxiv
- pdf
- History of physics at the University of Adelaide
- some papers which cite my papers
Percy Hide Reaney
- archive
- Kent Archaeological Society
- here
- Memories of Old Monovians
- archive
- Superabundant and colossally abundant numbers
- Tables of number of connected graphs
- Decimal expansion of the Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing constant
- Decimal expansions of Feigenbaum constants
Interpoint distances for two colours of points
Samsung photos
- search_gui
- sawyer.pkl
Seven wells
- here
Shakespeare's contributions to mathematics
Shit- place-names in England
- Document Date Descriptor (DDD)
- Europe mapping software
- very_nauty
- mpfs
- graphlib
- fps
- xrc
- Ode
- pipemath
- ODE sensitivity
- portable gui
- try_iroot.c
- try_vitter_fast_sampling.c
- LambertW.c
- LambertW1.c
- LambertW_complex_00.c
- quintic.c
- e.c
- god.c
- xrc
- mpfs
- doubledouble
- dlia
Trefethen 100-digit challenge solutions
- Liverpool University
- Analysis and modelling of homehub propagation data
- Distributed heuristics for graph coloring
- Convex optimization - theory and practice
- Optimization of wireless cities
- Analysis and modelling of train delay data
- Exponential random graphs
- Mixing time of random walks on graphs
- A distributed algorithm for the graph center problem.
- Convex optimization in communication systems
- Anglo-Saxon communication networks
George Szekeres 1911-2005
- A dictionary of Suffolk place-names
- Automated extraction and processing of historical name-forms for onomastic publications
- slides with pauses
- slides without pauses
- pdf slides
- pdf slides
- my slides
- Optimal trip planning in transport systems with random delays
- MSc projects 2010
- MSc projects 2010
- pdf slides
- pdf slides
- pdf slides
- MSc projects 2009
- Modelling train delays
- Graph models of wireless networks
- Anglo-Saxon communication networks
- 2009 MSc projects at BT
- The maths of train delays
- Simultaneous channel and power optimization for planning wireless cities
- Graph models of wireless networks
- Geometric random graphs, University of Sheffield
- Complexity of wireless data networks
- Reliable real arithmetic and one-dimensional dynamical systems
- MSc projects at BT
- Some graph theory applications to communications networks
- Some hard graph problems in telecoms
- pdf slides
- The work of George Szekeres on functional equations
- Exponential random graphs
- Exponential random graphs
- Enumeration of labelled graphs
- The Riemann hypothesis and abundant numbers
- Optimization
- Bayesian processing of multilingual documents
- Planar graphs
- Exponential random graphs
- Bayesian text processing
- Some experimental approaches to Diophantine approximation problems
- Mixing time of random walks on networks
- Maximum entropy traffic matrix estimation
- Connectivity of random graphs
- Connectivity of random graphs
- Probability of connectedness of labelled graphs
- Delayed iteration
- Combinatorial graph theory and connectivity
- Some issues in mathematical computing
- Optimization for power control
- Bayesian spam filtering
- Exact real arithmetic
- Combinatorial graph theory
- Statistics of continued fractions
- Asynchronous distributed algorithms
- Discrete Green's function on graphs
- How to count without counting
- Modelling internet round-trip time data
- Graph eigenvalues and connectivity
- The Durand-Flajolet algorithm
- Connectivity of nodes
- Valiant's theory of the learnable
- Distributed algorithms
- Exact real arithmetic
- Modelling TCP with Markov chains
- Simultaneous Diophantine approximation and linearization of C^2 maps
UK English phoneme pair frequencies
Then and now
- download thesis
train data
- index
- all itineraries from 1984 and index
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
- 1995
- 1994
- 1993
- 1992
- 1991
- 1990
- 1989
- 1988
- 1987
- 1986
- 1985
- 1984
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- Mobile Cloud Networking
- MCN WP3 meeting
- Mobile Cloud Networking
- Mobile Cloud Networking
- index locorum
- index locorum
- index locorum
- workshop
- 3rd Southern Englishes Workshop
- index locorum
- index locorum
- Gemeente Amsterdam Archief
- pumping station
- Noord-Hollands Archief
- Nationaal Archief
- Gersum conference
- SPEED-5G public workshop
- Communications and Signal Processing Workshop
- index locorum
- London Symposium of Information Theory
- New solution paradigms - scientific computation using machine-learning algorithms
- index locorum
- index locorum
- Kaiserslautern Applied and Industrial Mathematics Days
- index locorum
- MSRG meeting
- Herschel museum
- SNSBI meeting
- index locorum
- MSRG meeting
- EPNS centenary event
- Leicestershire's Names, Places, and History
- SNSBI meeting
- EuCAP 2023
- index locorum
- ICOME2024
- Kent names conference
- index locorum
- Mobile Cloud Networking
- MCN WP3 meeting
- Mobile Cloud Networking
- Mobile Cloud Networking
- workshop
- 3rd Southern Englishes Workshop
- Gemeente Amsterdam Archief
- pumping station
- Noord-Hollands Archief
- Nationaal Archief
- Gersum conference
- SPEED-5G public workshop
- Communications and Signal Processing Workshop
- London Symposium of Information Theory
- New solution paradigms - scientific computation using machine-learning algorithms
- Kaiserslautern Applied and Industrial Mathematics Days
- MSRG meeting
- Herschel museum
- SNSBI meeting
- MSRG meeting
- EPNS centenary event
- Leicestershire's Names, Places, and History
- SNSBI meeting
- EuCAP 2023
- ICOME2024
- Kent names conference
- index locorum
Travelling salesman problem
Using truetype fonts with pdflatex
- this file
- this script
- this
- this script
An odd problem
very_nauty - graph theory software
- cliques in G(n,p)
- data on chromatic number and clique number
- graph theory and Lambert's W function
- very_nauty-1.1.tgz
What was new 2005
- train performance data for 23 stations
- Exponential random graphs
- new data on unlabelled graphs
- UK English phoneme pair frequency table
- The Trajan column inscription compared to a truetype trajan font
- pipemath-1.2 released
- Travelling salesman problem for random nodes
- Using truetype fonts with pdflatex
- George Szekeres 1911-2005
- Matula numbers and rooted trees
- Interpoint distances for two colours of points
- Distance distributions
- Hackenbush strings
- Abundant numbers
- Geometry of Great Britain
- W-ology
- Klein polyhedra
What was new 2006
- very_nauty
- new data on edge chromatic number
- English Place-name Society - bibliographic data
- critique of Forster et al
- Martlesham
- Newbourne
- Bayesian analysis of UK place-names
- history of physics at Adelaide
- student supervision
- mpfs
- bronze
- poster
- pdf slides
- the old Chigwell story revived again
- EEMF Bach workshop photos
- cliques in G(n,p)
- heath
- oddities of US English
- spellometer
- new data on chromatic number and clique number
- graph theory and Lambert's W function
- Shakespeare's contributions to mathematics
- mpfs
- the work of George Szekeres on functional equations
- photos of harpsichord building
- photos of Bach sites
- what was new 2005
What was new 2007
- MSc project ideas for 2008
- Distribution of distance to Roman roads
- Anglo-Saxon communication networks
- Anglo-Saxon charters
- English Place-name Society - bibliographic data
- very_nauty
- mpfs
- Europe mapping software
- what was new 2006
- what was new 2005
What was new 2008
- Freemantle
- Bayesian analysis of UK place-names
- Cambridge to Ipswich bike ride
- Seven wells
- portable gui
- JEPNS tables of contents
- Burway
- Bayesian analysis of UK place-names
- MSc project ideas for 2009
- Cambridge to Ipswich bike ride
- Seven wells
- Deramy's Stone
- Beowulf - pdf edition
- Martlesham
- Roman road maps
- Diagram of pdfLaTeX file dependencies
- AS charters with OE bounds
- MSc project ideas for 2008
- Europe mapping software
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
What was new 2009
- MSc project ideas for 2010
- Deramy's Stone
- The distribution of distance ... to Roman roads
- ODE sensitivity
- DB place-name forms
- The distribution of distance of certain place-name types to Roman roads
- ODE sensitivity
- Roman road maps
- JEPNS tables of contents
- Bury St. Edmunds to Martlesham bike ride
- English place-name element distribution
- new worst approximable pair
- Beccles to Martlesham bike ride 2009 Jan 11
- portable gui
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
What was new 2010
- The distribution of distance ... to Roman roads
- pdf slides
- Optimal trip planning
- Optimal trip planning
- Anglo-Saxon dithematic names
- DB place-name forms
- JEPNS tables of contents
- Optimal trip planning
- Seven wells
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
What was new 2011
- Ebbsfleet
- Harrow
- JEPNS 42 contents
- MSc project ideas for 2011
- The distribution of distance ... to Roman roads
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
What was new 2012
- Suffolk place-name elements list
- The history of Suffolk place-names
- The place-name Martlesham
- family tree
- travel 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
What was new 2013
- Suffolk place-name elements list
- The history of Suffolk place-names
- travel 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
The wolverine: an animal-name from a personal name?
- here
- here
- here
worst approximable pair
- preprint
- paper
xrc manpage
xrc (exact reals in C)
- man page
- Keith Briggs
- xrc-1.2.tar.gz
- second part
the Yoccoz U function
Site statistics
181 html pages
159 pdf documents
1446 png images
109 jpg images
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